Donate to the Be The Hope Walk 2024

Be The Hope Walk 2024
Benefitting: Valley Girls and Guys
Event Fundraiser: Be The Hope Walk 2024
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Why Join the Babble Buddies Be the Hope Walk Team?

Cancer is a battle that affects countless lives, but together, we can make a stand. By walking with us, you're not just moving your feet; you're helping to fund vital cancer research and support services for patients and their families. It's a chance to share stories, celebrate survival, honor memories, and spread a wave of hope that can touch lives locally and globally.

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About Valley Girls and Guys

Valley Girls & Guys! is an all-volunteer organization with the sole goal of harnessing the power of community to support cancer patients and their families.  Our journey began in 2007 raising money to support a national breast cancer organization, which culminated in donations totaling over 3.2 + million dollars.  In October of 2014, Valley Girls & Guys became a Washington State 501c3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing assistance to local families who were suffering from any cancer diagnosis.  Valley Girls & Guys! is served by its Founder and President, Tina McDonough, and  a steadfast Board of Directors who carefully steward the resources of our donors to efficiently and effectively support cancer patients in the communities where they live, work and receive treatment. A Cancer diagnosis affects the whole family, and Valley Girls & Guys! eases the burden faced by families in need.
Since Valley Girls & Guys! inception we have raised over $9,000,000+ Dollars to help cancer patients and their families!

Valley Girls & Guys develops and supports programs that offer hope and encouragement to cancer patients and their loved ones through:

  • Funded over 2.7 Million dollars and support to Valley Medical Center New Cancer Center Floor 3 Oncology Infusion Center, Equipment and have provided assistance to patients through the H.O.P.E. (Helping Oncology Patients w/ Everything) fund
  • Patient support groups
  • Fund local cancer research, at Seattle Children's Hospital (Strive-02 Solid Tumor Immunotherapy and High Risk Leukemia clinical trial) and at the Cancer Vaccine Institute at UW Medicine (breast and ovarian cancer vaccine clinical trials)
  • Grant Who Dreams to those with a terminal diagnosis
  • Send personalized blankets to those undergoing treatment through our Glenda Weiler Blankets of Comfort and Hope program
  • Supporting local support services of cancer patients, such as Camp Kesem and Casting for Recovery
  • Fund mammograms, ultrasounds, and biopsies for those uninsured or underinsured through the Valley Girls & Guys! Breast Fund at Valley Medical Center Breast Center
  • Funding scholarships at local high schools for those affected by a cancer diagnosis
  • Community Outreach Program - Be The Hope Walk

Through these programs, we are strengthening the community that surrounds cancer patients and their families at a time when they need it most.  Valley Girls & Guys! is dedicated to working alongside those in need, within their community, through the entire cancer journey.
